Feminist Flicker - Decoding Sexism In Movies
By Sarah Myles

Kerriann      3/11/17 10:56 AM

Now more than ever this column is not only relevant but so so needed. I've only just started reading but I just wanted to say thanks!!
Sarah Myles      3/11/17 12:10 PM
Thanks, Kerriann! It means a lot to me to know that people are enjoying the column, and finding it useful. I absolutely love writing it, so I'll keep going if you will! :) Thanks again for taking the time to comment. Best regards,

Sarah Myles      9/23/16 10:15 AM

Feminist Flicker is one year old today! (23rd September 2016) I'm very grateful to those subscribing to the column - I hope you are enjoying reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. I have a long list of films waiting to be decoded - from new and upcoming releases, to older titles - so stay tuned! Another great year ahead. Thanks for reading!

Briana Bryon      7/20/16 10:56 AM

Still really enjoying your series. It has really made me think. Do you think you could do a movie or two that got it right? Also what about the hunger games? Could you teach us about those movies? Thanks again! Oh, Buffy is still totally feminist right??
Sarah Myles      7/20/16 12:12 PM
Glad you're still enjoying it. I certainly could do a movie or two that get it right....or at least, more right. I have some favourites that would fit the bill... With regard to The Hunger Games, I've only seen the first one. I'm not a big fan of the whole 'teenagers in a dystopian future' genre, because it seems to be just a highly transparent allegory for puberty and looming adulthood. That's interesting the first couple of times, but gets pretty repetitive after a while. I'm happy to take requests, though, so if you'd like me to give The Hunger Games a good going over, I will add it to the list. Buffy....well. That's a tricky one. We're talking about the TV show, right? It was certainly groundbreaking, and way ahead of its time. It had its problems and issues - as any network TV show did, and still does - but in relation to other TV shows, I'd say it still stands up as more feminist than most. How's that? :) Thanks!

Briana Bryon      7/08/16 4:52 AM

Avengers:Age of Ultron was very hard to stomach. But, you made well executed points. Joss Whedon is the unofficial feminist flag flyer in Hollywood so the pressure is on him. He can do no wrong as far as I am concerned! Maybe he was forced to portray black widow the way he did by a studio bigwig, forced at gunpoint? Yes, I'm sure that's what happened. Thanks for making me think and writing such an intelligent piece. Will read the rest.
Sarah Myles      7/08/16 9:55 AM
Thanks, Briana - I appreciate all your sentiments! Happy reading :)

Sandra Robinson      6/17/16 3:25 PM

Sarah Myles      6/20/16 9:06 AM
Thank you! Proper humbled :)

Sandra Robinson      5/25/16 5:23 PM

I am sure I will!!

Sandra Robinson      5/25/16 1:26 PM

I have only read the first chapter but I am thinking, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Sexism among women is still huge and the stereotypes horrific. I can't wait to read more. Keep up the great work!
Sarah Myles      5/25/16 3:18 PM
Thank you, Sandra - I hope you enjoy reading the rest!

B. R. Turnage      1/12/16 12:02 AM

I agree that women's voices are silenced and subsumed into stereotypes about women's roles. The stereotypes are so ingrained in our culture that people are entirely unaware that there is something "wrong." In fact it is shown in several studies that women that buck female stereotypes are punished socially. Even the movie Fargo, where the lead is a pregnant police officer, the same police officer downplays the events of her day so as not to (heaven's forbid) make her husband feel less successful than her. The character can be a police officer and pregnant and be highly successful at her job but she may not emasculate her husband by pointing out she is more ambitious than him. Sigh.
Sarah Myles      1/13/16 1:55 PM
Great point! This ties in with an issue I often have with specific male filmmakers - Quentin Tarantino, for example - who make a great show of creating 'strong' female characters, but can only demonstrate their 'strength' by having them be abused, or socially punished for their 'strength'. More women writers and directors is the answer, I believe... Thanks for reading.